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Edge浏览器插件Keep Awake for Chrome 防止计算机屏幕关闭

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Keep Awake for Chrome 防止计算机屏幕关闭

Keep Awake for Chrome是一款可覆盖系统节电设置,防止计算机屏幕关闭的插件。
之前我们推荐过《Keep Awake阻止ChromeOS启动睡眠模式》,但是该插件最后更新时间是2014年,今天这款插件是近期更新过的插件。

This tool makes it easy to temporarily disable power management on Chrome OS.

It adds an icon in the upper-right corner of the chrome browser that can be clicked to show a popup menu for you to switch between modes where the screen is kept on, the system is prevented from sleeping, or power-saving settings are left unchanged.

Keep Awake for Chrome v0.0.6
