• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件URL POPPER 鼠标悬停锚文本链接弹出提示具体网址

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URL POPPER 鼠标悬停锚文本链接弹出提示具体网址

URL POPPER 鼠标悬停锚文本链接弹出提示具体网址

URL POPPER 鼠标悬停锚文本链接弹出提示具体网址

URL POPPER 是一个检查链接的插件,当网页上有链接时,鼠标放在锚文本上,即会弹出提示小窗显示出网址的具体链接地址。

You can check the URL by just mouse hovering on the link.
## Features:
-When you place the cursor on the link, the link text and URL pop-up are displayed.
-Clicking on an empty area while holding down the Shift key pop-up the title and URL of the current page.
-Clicking the top of the pop-up, you can copy the link text (or page title).
-Clicking the bottom of the pop-up, you can copy the link URL (or page URL).
-Clicking on the left side of the pop-up, you can copy both URL and text.
-Clicking the extension icon on the right side of the address bar to turn the feature on or off.

That's all :)

