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Backspace Should Go Back恢复Backspace键以返回上一页功能

Backspace Should Go Back这个插件的功能就是恢复Backspace键以返回上一页,简单好用。Restores the backspace key as a back navigation button. Restores the backspace key as a back navigation button (except w……

4年前 (2020-10-04) 立刻查看

Go Back With Backspace使用键盘Backspace键返回上一页页面

Go Back With Backspace使用键盘Backspace键返回之前的页面。Re-enables the backspace key as a back navigation button (except when writing text).Go back with the backspace button! This extension……

4年前 (2020-10-04) 立刻查看