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Edge浏览器插件Time Gone 以进度条方式呈现每天、每个月和每年的消耗进度

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Time Gone是一个和时间有关的Chrome扩展插件,它可以将每天、每个月和每年以进度条方式呈现,同时加上百分比,让使用者看了更有感觉,兼具提醒功能。Time Gone会在浏览器工具栏显示为时钟图案,点选后在下拉式功能中显示如上图画面。

Time Gone 以进度条方式呈现每天、每个月和每年的消耗进度

Time Gone 以进度条方式呈现每天、每个月和每年的消耗进度

Time Gone 以进度条方式呈现每天、每个月和每年的消耗进度

Time gone gets you the percentage of day, month and year gone. It also shows your age in year, month and days.
⏱️ Time Gone - ? day, month and year progress bars for chrome. Get your current age in years, months and days.

? We hardly keep the track of percentages of day, month or year gone. There comes into the picture Time gone extension. It lets you keep the track of time gone with help of beautiful progress bars with one click.

Time Gone v0.0.2
