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Edge浏览器插件Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件

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Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件
Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件
Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件
Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件
Sticky Notes 便笺笔记插件

Sticky Notes 是一个便签记事本插件,有时候总要记点东西的,这个插件就是一个“便笺纸”,不过好多新标签插件也提供了类似的功能。

Most beautiful, easiest, fastest note taking experience. Animated Themes, Fonts, Backup etc. (See demo)
Sticky Notes - by Ukiv! A perfect tool for taking quick notes. Simple & easy note taking experience.

Sticky Notes has been crafted for everyone. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or employed in a job, you will surely love it.

Online backups are optionally available, it is highly recommended to make sure you never loose your data. If you do not turn them on, your notes data NEVER leaves your computer.


** Latest Release (Aug 2020) **
1. More discounts and deals for the premium plan
2. Free* year of premium for all Covid affected employees and their family members.
3. Improved stability - and fixed bugs. Email us at support@ukiv.com if you find more issues.

Sticky Notes v2.0.14


Sticky Notes v3.0.0
