• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件KeePassXC-Browser 跨平台开源密码管理器

效率工具 Edge插件网 扫描二维码分享

KeePassXC-Browser 跨平台开源密码管理器

KeePassXC 与现代 Web 浏览器的集成
Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager (https://keepassxc.org).

The thing computers can do best is storing information.
You shouldn't waste your time trying to remember and type your passwords.
KeePassXC can store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and applications.

Privacy Policy: https://keepassxc.org/privacy/#privacy-keepassxc



1.3.3 (26-03-2019)
- Prevent page scripts from using added DOM elements [#438]
- Clear credentials when screen is locked [#358]
- Fix z-order of password generator icon [#447]
- Allow to select group when adding new credentials [#369]
- Improve error messages [#392]
- Fix shortcuts [#414]

KeePassXC-Browser v1.7.1
