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Edge浏览器插件Push to Kindle 把网页文章推送到 Kindle设备上

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Push to Kindle 把网页文章推送到 Kindle设备上

Push to Kindle 把网页文章推送到 Kindle设备上
Push To Kindle 是一款网页推送小工具,推送时只需要填入网页地址、接收邮箱以及任意一个信任邮箱。


Push to Kindle 把网页文章推送到 Kindle设备上

Send web articles to your Kindle
Push to Kindle is a free service which lets you send web articles (news stories, blog posts, Wikipedia entries, etc.) to your Kindle or other e-reader for easy reading.

Installing this extension will add a send to Kindle button to your Chrome browser. Simply click the Push to Kindle button on a page which you'd like to read on your Kindle.

Use Push to Kindle to send a long web article to your Kindle to read it later. Use it to build up a reading list of articles for offline reading. Or simply use it to improve your reading experience.

Push to Kindle v1.9
