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Edge浏览器插件PhotoTracker Lite 随时搜原图大图的插件

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PhotoTracker Lite 随时搜原图大图的插件
PhotoTracker Lite是一款类似以图搜图的插件,比如我们在网站上看到一个图片,但是这个图片打了水印或者分辨率不够高,想找它的原图,那么PhotoTracker Lite这款插件就能帮上忙了,它支持在Google、Yandex、Bing、Tineye中查找图,设置的时候开启就行。


PhotoTracker Lite 随时搜原图大图的插件


PhotoTracker Lite 随时搜原图大图的插件

Fast and free one-click image duplicates search in Google, Yandex, Bing and TinEye.
Fastest one-click search by image in Google.Images, Yandex.Images (uses correct, updated search URL), Bing's ImageMatch and TinEye.com. Helps track usage of your images, finding author of an image, guessing what is pictured on the image, finding by the picture of product more stores online selling same goods, or whatever you can use reverse image search. )

PhotoTracker Lite插件下载

版本:0.4 / Little tracker helper
