Save as MHTM编辑并以MHTL/MHT(MIME HTML)存档格式保存活动标签或选定区域,以获得一个干净的单文件备份。Chrome 75 版本后取消了将网页保存成mht的实验功能了,Save as MHTML这个插件感觉还原了chrome的这个功能。网页可自动按网页标题命名,很不错,推荐给大家。
MHTML (short for MIME HTML) is a file extension for a Web page archive file format. The archived Web page is an MHTML document. MHTML saves the Web page content and incorporates external resources, such as images, applets, Flash animations, and so on, into HTML documents.
Save as MHTML v0.3.7
Save as MHTML v0.3.9