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Edge浏览器插件Writer - Extension & Clipper从任何选项卡创建,访问和编辑Writer文档

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Writer - Extension & Clipper从任何选项卡创建,访问和编辑Writer文档

Writer - Extension & Clipper从任何选项卡创建,访问和编辑Writer文档

Writer - Extension & Clipper从任何选项卡创建,访问和编辑Writer文档
Create, access and edit Writer documents from any tab, and clip references to a document.
Love using Writer? Here's a great time saver for you! Use the Writer extension to quickly create and access Writer documents in just a couple of clicks. Here's everything you can do with it:

- Quickly access the list of your most recent documents.

- Clip interesting content to Writer by converting it to a new document.

- Import your existing MS Word documents to Writer.

- Quickly start with a new template.

- Import MS Word or other supported files directly to Writer as you download them.

Writer - Extension & Clipper v1.11
