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Edge浏览器插件Send to OneNote 让Chrome也拥有OneNote的快捷保存功能

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Send to OneNote 让Chrome也拥有OneNote的快捷保存功能

Send to OneNote让Chrome也拥有OneNote的快捷保存功能。

可以把你看到的任何网页保存到Microsoft Office OneNote中,有了这个工具,你可以剪辑文字,图片,网站网址,并选择在哪里放置注释。而且它没有后台服务,更加的轻便。不过,需要使用这个插件,你还需要额外安装一个工具(文末提供下载地址)这样才能让Send to OneNote正常的工作,不然会出现下面的提示:

Send to OneNote 让Chrome也拥有OneNote的快捷保存功能

Clip part of a web page , or a whole page to Microsoft OneNote right from the right-click menu.
Send to OneNote Chrome extension is the easiest way to save anything you see on web page to Microsoft OneNote.

- Clip selection from a web page, or a whole page to Microsoft OneNote right from the right-click menu.
- With this tool you can clip the text, images, site url, and choose where to place the note.
- Be able to save clip to OneNote Online, or save clip to local Microsoft OneNote.

Send to OneNote v1.2.13


辅助工具下载 v1.2