Cute Cursors 是一款支持在Chrome浏览器页面上自定义鼠标光标图案的插件,我们之前也推荐过这样的插件《Custom Cursor for Chrome™》。
简单解释就是,没定义之前,我们的鼠标光标是一个箭头,而这个可以自定义为我们喜欢的图标,比如西瓜、芒果…… 小狗小猫。
Replaces default cursor with something cute. Change the usual mouse to an amazing custom cursor.
It's such a cute and pink custom cursor for Chrome. Show your individuality with bright and gorgeous mouse pointer on every webpage. Forget about the boring and simple cursor that many years appears on the display. Now you are able to change your mouse pointer to something pink and cuteFour the most lovely items have been created to set as a cursor for web pages. Choose from the next custom mouse pointers:
- Pinky arrow cursor
- Lipstick
- Rose
- Princess Pony
- and even more...Navigate with a Pink Arrow today and with a Lipstick cursor tomorrow. Be always fashion creative, even either you in the office or in the classroom. Only you may know how pretty and nice can be usual working on the laptop. Such a wonderful Rose mouse pointer for surfing the web.
One more useful feature is that you'll never lose the cursor on the web page, because the brightly designed pointer will always be in front of you. Custom cursors for Chrome is a good answer to enliven the work. The custom cursor is changed during navigating and sleeping mode. It has a cute hover state as well as in the point doing.
Mouse Cursor for Chrome™. Use a large collection of cursors or upload your own.
Mouse custom cursor for Chrome™. Use the large Cursor collection or upload your own.Now, to change the mouse cursor in your browser, simply set the Custom Cursor and in two clicks select the one that you like the most.
Mouse Cursor for Chrome™ contains many cursors for every taste, divided into categories, plus animated cursors.Mouse Cursor for Chrome™ works on any web page except the Chrome Web Store, Google internal pages, and the Chrome home page, because Google’s policy prohibits the use of custom cursors on these pages.
Cute Cursors v1.0.0
Cute Cursors v2.0.1