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Edge浏览器插件Prompts by Story Wars

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Prompts by Story Wars

Prompts by Story Wars

Prompts by Story Wars

Prompts by Story Wars

Prompts by Story Wars 是一款能帮助谷歌浏览器用户在Story Wars中查找写作提示并开始写作的Chrome插件。

Story Wars是一款可以让大家一起参与创作故事的网站,比如你开了个头,后面有其他网友续写了故事,可能会发生各种情节变化,有点意思。

Find a writing prompt and start writing
Want to write on a story? We have over 20 categories to pick from.

With this plugin you can choose a category and we will find a handpicked story that we think you will enjoy writing on.

Prompts by Story Wars v1.1.1
