Redbooth for Chrome是一款项目管理辅助插件,比较简单轻巧。Manage your projects from Chrome, create tasks and review your dashboard in real-time.Easily manage your Redbooth tasks in real-timeRedb……继续阅读 »
gitlab-code-view这款插件主要为了改善在gitlab的浏览代码的体验,把项目代码树状结构化,浏览起来更加轻松。a tree view code for gitlab, function is: · tree view code · file location · search by file path ……继续阅读 »
Resource Override 前端调试工具,可以调试 websocket。可以重定向特定的url地址,比如将网页的js文件替换称自己的注入js文件,类似油猴脚本修改请求头,放入一些授权信息之类的。虽然chrome的开发工具本身就有一个override的功能,但是很不好用。An extension to help you gain full con……继续阅读 »
DevTools Theme: Zero Dark Matrix 这款插件主要是针对开发者工具的黑色主题,当你F12调用开发者工具栏的时候变成黑色模式了,很帅很酷。跟很多插件一样,安装后需要重启浏览器。A highly customized dark theme for Devtools.This is a theme for the Deve……继续阅读 »
Edit with Sublime Text™是一款支持实时编辑页面HTML元素的开发者工具插件。Live editing text and HTML content of the page with the Sublime Text from the page context or DevTools.With this extension, the ……继续阅读 »
Dimensions 是一款前端开发工具,方便测量页面元素尺寸,量细微的距离时很好用。A tool for designers to measure screen dimensionsThis extension measures the dimensions from your mouse pointer up/down and left/right……继续阅读 »
Drops X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy HTTP response headers, allowing all pages to be iframed.Should be used only temporarily and only for developement, testing, or t……继续阅读 »