CRX Extractor/Downloader 是一个方便从Google Chrome商店下载CRX文件的插件,支持将插件打包成ZIP下载。Download CRX Files directly as crx or zip file depending upon your choiceDownload Chrome extension crx f……继续阅读 »
PHP Console是一款利用浏览器控制台(Console)进行PHP Debug的插件,在php代码的书写过程中可以在线调试。Display PHP errors & vars dumps in Google Chrome console and notification popups, execute PHP code remotely.H……继续阅读 »
Chrome extension source viewer是一款开发者专用插件,主要功能是方便查看其它扩展的源代码。View source code of Chrome extensions, Firefox addons or Opera extensions (crx/nex/xpi) from the Chrome web store and ……继续阅读 »