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Edge浏览器插件NoFollow 检测网页上的NoFollower和noindex元标记

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NoFollow 检测网页上的NoFollower和noindex元标记
NoFollow 检测网页上的NoFollower和noindex元标记
NoFollow 检测网页上的NoFollower和noindex元标记

NoFollow 是一款可以检测网页上的NoFollower和noindex元标记的插件。对于网站运营和前端开发来说,是一款有用的辅助插件。

Outline nofollow links, detect nofollow and noindex meta tags on webpages. Features website filtering and custom CSS outline styles.
:: Features
★ supports NOFOLLOW, UGC, and SPONSORED attribute values
★ supports search engine specific robot meta tags
★ disable or enable extension for defined websites

NoFollow v5.3.4
